
Glee's last episode before the season finale: Nationals!

The 2-hour episode was very good! Aside from the amazing song and dance, my favorite scene(s) were the ones from Asian Tina's concussion/dreams.

All the gleeks switched bodies with each other. 

Finn (Kurt Hummel)

"Puck" Puckerman (Blaine Anderson)

Brittany (Mercedes Jones) / Santana (Artie Abrams)

Sam (Rory Flanagan) / Mercedes (Brittany Pierce) 

Kirt (Finn Hudson) / Blaine (Noah Puckerman) *my fav switch-a-roo

Sugar (Quinn Fabray) / Rory (Sam Flanagan)

Mike (Joe Hart) / Tina (Rachel Berry)

Artie (Santana Lopez)

Quinn (Sugar Motta) / Joe (Mike Chang)

Mr. Schu (Sue Sylvester) / Sue (Mr. Schuester)

And last but not least, the dreamer, Tina Cohen-Chang as the star, Rachel

It all went by so quickly, just like in every episodes' beginning narration as they run through the past episodes. As a full supporter and fan of Asian actors, I loved how they didn't overlooked how behind-the-scenes Tina and her boyfriend Mike were (she said that Mike was only good for doing crazy dance scenes with Brittany) in the past 2 seasons. They bluntly (and quickly) retold how Tina was always stereotyped and no one ever knew her real name, or at least never called her by her first name, Tina! (though it didn't help that she was dating another Asian, but hey! why can't she, right!)

Great end to Season 3! 

I'm a total Gleek Fan!

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