
Korean drama watch: BIG

It's been a while since I've done my 16 hours of watching-k-dramas like there was no more tomorrow. It can get very exhausting after your 10th drama... well, really depending on your vision and internet streaming strength.

After being in the military for a little over 5 years, one of my favorite korean actors, Gong Yoo (also his last drama before going into the military, 1st Shoppe Coffee Prince, was my first korean drama ever) came right back into the game with a fairly new drama called BIG.

(courtesy of google photos and KBS)

It's ultimately about a body switch between 2 guys (student and a doctor) and a girl they both know -in some way. To one, she is his teacher and to the other, he is her fiancee.

I have yet to finish, with only one episode remaining. After watching 1st Shoppe Coffee Prince and then in this role, I was very disappointed. His acting stayed the same, but it was the story that didn't quite make it as a hit show for me.

But for me, I like to watch Gong Yoo no matter what. He is a delight at comedy and his adult and childish ways are always very entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I love this k-drama series and I think I watched it 2x now on filebook.
