
TIFF Day 1: theccgirl/volunteer

Being in the bright orange TIFF t-shirt really puts you out there. You can't shy away cuz they'll find you and stop you and ask you many many questions. Good thing, I have answers and/or access to answers.

Last night was the opening night. TIFF screened "Looper" (starring JGL, Bruce Willis & Emily Blunt) at both big red carpet venues (RTH and Elgin) and it was a crowd pleaser - that is the red carpet star siting, of course. Unfortunately, I was far away from the massive scene and was taking care of the rush line. Surprisingly, 90% of that RUSH line made it into the screening! So happy I told people to just wait and see, and lucky enough, they got in!

The second screening I was happily on the red carpet for the premium screening of "Rust & Bone" starring French actress Marion Cotillard (Inception). She had very high hair all done up and she wore a short, forming fitting black and white dress that made her look both cute and classy at the same time. Fans were all shouting in French to her, screaming to get her to go take photos and sign autographs. She was a delight because she fancied her fans and took a couple minutes to engage with them.

Though it was a packed night, I ended up heading home without so much of a step inside the theatre itself, let alone watching Rust and Bone that night.

And don't worry, more TIFF reports headed your way! And don't forget to come back to see what film tickets I'll be giving away. Just a warning, it will be quick timeframe as the festival is only 11 days. So watch out, they will be given away just as quickly as I post (due to time constraints of screenings/picking up your winnings)!

Good luck and I hope you are TIFFing this festival!

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